Collection: Open Edition Prints

An affordable option to enjoy Sue's beautiful Spotty Dotty Heart Art. Sent to you direct from Sue's global printing partner.

These Prints are unframed, so you get the choose the frame to suit your home, either from the high street or from your local framer.

Prints are created from original art by Sue Davies ©, professionally photographed then expertly printed by my printing partner nearest to you.

All prints are carefully profiled for fantastically accurate and consistent reproductions using giclée printing techniques.

  • Hahnemühle German Etching (310gsm) - the best stuff!
  • A premium fine art vegan certified paper with a velvety surface.

Prints sized A4 or smaller will come in an envelope; all other sizes will come in a cardboard tube with recycled plastic ends. If rolled, it is recommended that you lay the prints out flat for a while prior to framing.

P&P is included in the prices for the UK. Local fulfilment for international orders.

This printing Company's Eco credentials: Water-based inks ~ Local fulfilment ~ Sustainable sourced paper and wood ~ Plastic-free ~ Vegan friendly.

** Please note that colours may differ slightly from monitor to monitor.