Eco Policy


The environment is very important to me and I feel I have a responsibility to protect it where I can.

This awareness is carried through to my Art, both in its creation process and the sharing of my work.

Throughout my adult I have been various shades of 'Green', from very living a very deep green / sustainable / eco lifestyle, through to a brief spell of devil-may-care attitude. Now, I choose what I believe is a balance, a place that feels consciously living in harmony.  Reduce - Recycle - Reuse - Up-cycle


Washing of brushes, tools and disposal of waste water is not into the drains or watercourses, I have an appropriate 'soakaway' under my studio.

I want you to be delighted when you receive your package direct from me, and the priority is that your item is well wrapped and arrives with you in pristine condition. Your art will be beautifully wrapped with love in new tissue paper. The outer packing materials may include some recycled card or bubble wrap.

The original art on Greetings cards is attached to buff coloured cards and envelopes made from recycled paper.

For some time I enjoyed creating Acrylic Pours, and have felt uneasy about the quantities of wasted paint involved. I've recently been 'gifted' quite a stock of pouring supplies, maybe I will create pours again at some point.

In order to create in alignment with the Energy of the Universe, I must feel in harmony with it. If something is out of whack, the flow of the art is off.

It's an ongoing refining process.